As a child, the fear of being perceived manifested as a subtle whisper, a voice urging me to be wary of every move I made and the words I uttered. The heightened awareness of eyes that followed me and ears that listened to my words followed me well into adulthood. Opinions about me made by others clung to me like persistent echoes, influencing my own perceptions of self.
Without realizing it, this awareness evolved into a force that unwittingly placed a cap on the limit of my potential.
We all want to be seen
If you ever said “I don’t want to be perceived” you were lying!!! (I’m talking to myself too)
It’s not that we don’t want to be noticed, but rather, it’s the fear of losing control over how others may perceive us, a fear that arises from the complex interplay between societal expectations and past experiences.
Think about it. Do you really not want to be seen by others or is it simply a knee-jerk reaction to the vulnerability that comes with being seen authentically? It’s a paradox, really. Humans are innately social creatures. We crave connection. We crave being acknowledged, accepted, and valued for our true selves. When we embrace the illusion of invisibility, we deny ourselves the opportunity for genuine connection and love.
Creative resistance
We’ve all encountered moments of fear and insecurity when it comes to revealing facets of ourselves to the world. In the past, I found comfort in the narrative that ‘I am not ready’. I convinced myself that I needed to consume more, write more, draw more, or even restart projects because my initial attempts weren’t flawless.
Amid these internal dialogues, I had failed to acknowledge the vast knowledge I’d accumulated over the years and the stories I had held on to that deserved a place in the world. Certainly, the desire to expand knowledge and skills persists, but I’ve also come to recognize that it is a myth that one day I will magically be ready to create or share my art with the world. My current capacity is good enough to share.
All this to say: have the uncomfortable conversion, grab your paint brushes and paint, share the pictures you’ve been hiding, start planning for the workshop you’ve been yearning to create, send the message that has been drafted in your notes. You’ll be surprised at how many spaces are awaiting your presence.
i resonate with this so much. i’ve been putting a lot of things on the back burner because of this mindset. today you inspired me to start doing things that i love and share with others.